Site Skyscanner has compiled a list of 10 airlines that best suit their flight attendants. First place in the list is Qatar Airways. Retro uniforms Qatari flight attendants appreciated 33%. 2 nd place (17%) took a Uniform Air France, designed by Christian Lacroix. 3 rd place (15%) in the list is uniform stewardess British Airways, writes Independent. The remaining seats were divided among themselves Iberia, Alitalia, SAS, Delta, Jet Airways and Lufthansa. Russia's Aeroflot, was on the list for 8 persons. It does not matter, wearing traditional costumes for the stewardess, as the famous "Singapore Girl" from Singapore Airlines, or design a form from Kristan Dior and Nina Ricci (both fashion houses at one time dressed stewardesses Air France), they look a significant role in the perception of airline passengers. Japanese airlines even sewn into the shape of the flight attendants computer chips to the details of uniforms could not be sold in the local fetish shops where such things are worth several thousand euros. Passion for the Uniformed flight attendants even resulted in the creation of the site. Dutch Steward Cliff Musk posted on its web site Uniform Freak 947 different uniforms from 368 airlines worldwide.
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