Friday, June 24, 2011

The resort of Zermatt

Fairy Tale in Zermatt begins right from the station. No cars - they were just a few kilometers from the city, Teshe. Exclusively coach, dada, the same (or nearly the same) on what drove the first explorers of Zermatt and a half centuries ago, and electric vehicles. Chosen to host one of the legendary five-star resort hotels dovezut to the door to the ringing of bells on horse-drawn. Others may breathe a festive frosty air, looking at the colorful display of brand boutiques and watch shops, defiliruya slowly down the main street. Zermatt is a first step makes it clear how he and an elite - a good pathos, with the carefully preserved old houses on stilts and an amazing atmosphere of the old resort. To make sense of another reality was complete and unforgettable, it is worth a look at one of the oldest streets, going directly from the station. It has no luxury hotels and watch stores, but you can remove any fairy tale without additional decorations. Smaller houses, on stilts of stone and roofed, tiled a kind of "tiles" of the stone plates, strongly expected to make an early appearance of the dwarves or Baba Yaga. These houses are very specific in appearance and most resemble huts on chicken legs from the movie Alexander Row. Magnetic mystery and an incredible atmosphere of the resort at times is enhanced early in the morning, when suddenly traced from the fog and clouds Matterhorn is bright - pink and then every second change its color. About fabulous skating like - then talk uncomfortable - at a resort, as it were self-evident fact: all - still 380 km of trails, however, together with the neighboring Cervinia.

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