Monday, June 20, 2011

Ornate capital

We will start with a trip to Aruba, located on the western edge of the island Oranjestad - 35000th capital. Here is an international airport named after Queen Beatrix and the port, which come large passenger liners. The city, named after the ruling clan Netherlands Oranje-Nassau, arose in the XVIII-XIX centuries Zutman around the fort, built in 1796 on the coast. Urban architecture is a mixture of Dutch-style colonial and modern buildings, the shape of which often seeks to replicate the colonial style. Spectacular homes - with rich ornaments, decorated roofs and pastel facades - we can see in through the center of the street Caya Betiko-Krouz, the main shopping artery of the city. And on the Lloyd-Smith Boulevard - a representative promenade that connects the international airport and the yacht port - in the shade of palm trees located governor's residence and Parliament, casinos, shopping malls and hotels.

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