Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cape Horn - Drake and reached Cape Horn ...

Ships Europeans hundreds of years, mastered the sea passage from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. Cape Horn was an important milestone in their path. ... And Drake made it to Cape Horn, and Britain became an empire. In this poem by Rudyard Kipling (1865 - 1936) Cape Horn coincidence mentioned in connection with the establishment of Britain as a "ruler of the seas." "Edit the Seas" by - the Europeans were able to present only after having found and mastered the way from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. The first expedition, which failed to reach these places, was Ferdinand Magellan voyage around the globe in the Strait, which opened the way to the Pacific Ocean, his ship came in 1520 Mr. Magellan gave his name to the strait between the mainland and the archipelago in the extreme south of South America, which he also called the Fire land. And now to Cape Horn arrived in 1578 of English explorer and part-time pirate Francis Drake on the sailing ship "Golden Hind". Sailboat anchored near a group of islands situated between 56 and 57 degrees south latitude, and in the records of the famous Englishman referred to the northern cape, south of which was an endless sea. This sea eventually became known as the Drake Passage. The next time the Europeans reached these places in 1616, it was the Dutch expedition led by Isaac Le Mayor and Willem Schouten. It is called Schouten's southernmost archipelago of Cape "Cape Horn", in honor of his native Dutch town of Hoorn. The Development and consistent use of a new sea route has begun, it has become increasingly important, despite all the dangers of this route.

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